What to wear – Something comfortable that you can move around in. No shoes or socks required.
Yoga Mat - Maybe two, we are on hard tile floor and the extra cushion is nice.
Yoga Blanket – Or car blanket, beach towel, just something to give you some extra cushion for your knees, give you something comfy to sit on, or to cover up at the end of class when we lay down for Savasana (AKA Nap) so you stay warm.
Yoga Belt – Or regular belt, old tie, towel, shirt, pretty much anything that can put around your foot to help you in a seated forward bend.
Even thou the Monday night class is not a chair class per say if getting up and down off the floor is a challenge the school has folding chairs. Seated floor poses can be done from a chair and poses where we lay on a mat can be done against the wall. There is pretty much a modification for all the poses we do.